ABOUT Smart Zone

Smart Zone is PROUD to introduce our new line of “SMART” products! We offer Superior quality toys and household items with “SMART” concepts and pricing!
We have strong research and development capabilities that can provide full product development support to buyers. We cater to our customer’s personalized needs!
Because we are the toy manufacturer, we are able to provide our own fully developed lines of toys and house wares as well as zooming in on designs that meet our customer’s specific needs.

Don’t see what you want? ASK! We are happy to make customized products!
We care about our products. Our quality and safety Assurance Team is involved in every phase of product development plus follows through for the manufacturing process. Through our in-house and external laboratory testing, we ensure that our products meet the quality requirements of our clients.
Our commitment to quality and safety means our products are Super Safe!

Headquarter – Hong Kong Office
(852) 3741-2867